Meet Me After Sunset aired on February 22, 2018. tells a teenage girl named Girls who trapped love triangle story. She is the Girl (Agatha Chelsea), Vino (Maxime Bouttier) and Bagas (Billy davidson). The story of love wrapped in this family drama fairly slick. Therefore, this film has no physical contact that makes it different from other love stories. And using good CGI technology. Stylish a beautiful ambiance. Away from the crowd becomes more point for this film.
Girl (Agatha Chelsea) is the son of Pak Sastra who is none other than the Teacher who teaches at School. Where the School was Vino (Maxime Bouttier) demanded Science. Vino is a new resident who recently moved from Jakarta. Bagas (Billy Davidson) is a girl friend who the only one he has at the same time become his guardian angel for this. Vino is a newcomer to the village who had seen the girl go to the Hill at night. However, the girl suddenly disappeared so that makes Vino curious and fall in love.
Vino's curiosity grew more and more. So he asked about the girl to his friend Dadang (Yudha Keling). However, the answer from Dada is unexpected. According to her, Girl is a strange girl who rarely associate to the surrounding environment. Feeling his friend's less convincing answer, Vino finally decided to investigate directly to the girl by going to the girl's house, but always confronted by Bagas.
Directed by Danial Rifki and produced by MNC Pictures. This film starring the main actors, namely: Agatha Chelsea, Billy Davidson and Maxime Bouttier. The film that carries the love story with dibaluti elements of kinship this turned out to be the reason why the film is practically slick that makes Agatha Chealse feel much to learn from the role he played. Quoted from said "I am really excited when offered to play in this film, so offered directly I accept it as a challenge, I need a lot to learn from this character". In addition, Billy Davidson also said that he had difficulty playing the character of Bagas closed.
Vino (Maxime Bouttier) is upset that her parents agreed to move from Jakarta to Ciwidey, Bandung without seeking her approval. Vino's irritation changed when he accidentally saw a beautiful girl with a classic style called Girl (Agatha Chelsea) was walking alone in the middle of the night. But at first glance, the woman immediately disappeared in the fog. The girl was found close to a forest ranger named Bagas (Billy Davidson). They've been friends since childhood.
Vino hopes to get back to the Girl, but the beautiful woman is never seen during the day. Girls actually leave the house when everyone is sleeping. Vino was forced to fight the cold of night, in order to meet him. But Dada (Yudha Keling), Vino's classmate, says that Vino likes the wrong person.
Girls are known as strange women. Plus there is Bagas who so understand about the girl, to the warmth that she gave the girl comfortable. Together Bagas, Girls like the Moon is always accompanied Stars in the dark night. While Vino, like the Sun that can not meet at the same time with the Moon. Stars and Sun, which one will always shine?